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2010-01-16 00:11:22 | dartboy | toDIEisGAIN | 1644p (35) | 1664p (-4) | | | | | 4 / 4 W/L | -1No | Details |
Comment by dartboy:
Elves (me) vs. Dwarves. Dwarves choose to not attack in first night, leaving the initiative to the Elves to attack at first light. First attack has good luck, and gets one kill, elves loose two units from the rebutal, but push forward with their treant and one mage to take an agressive griffen down. Luck was generally in my favor, which is a shame because it is nice to win with even luck. Treants and mages [with some supporting units] proved to be the main power at killing dwarves... good game,
Comment by toDIEisGAIN:
Yep thats pretty much how it went down...
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