
StonyDrew (1687) / vvd (1432) ®

"loyalist over northerners Fallenstar.. tough orc map loyals op here" ~StonyDrew

[01/12] StonyDrew easily takes the 3rd place.
[15/11] kkk111 says there's only a few left to beat and enters the Top 5.
[07/11] momom2 says there's only a few left to beat and enters the Top 5.
[07/11] hitandrun broke the border to 1900 Elo points.
[02/11] clmates smells the fear on the top as he grabs 3rd place.


ladder code updated

Most important for you as players: This is an update of the software used to run the Ladder of Wesnoth - it is not an update of the ladder rules or how your rating is calculated. Such decisions would have to be made by the admin in order to apply.

Here are some of the changes in rev.161 and 163:

// New

- Suggested by Soliton: Linkifying urls in game comments. Just type a http://x.y and it will be turn the word preceeding it into a link to that url.

- Ladder timezone is configurable by admin.

- New empty db structure, rev 3.

- Admin: Reranking the ladder is now done in batches who's sizes can be adjusted via config file. This solves a huge problem with the standard php time out of 30 seconds on most web hosts where the re-rank would break after the time out if it wasn't completed before then. Re-ranking a ladders Elo ratings with > 15 000 games would take over a minute on most normal computers 2009 and using php5 and dito mysql. Reranking both Elo and rank would take several minutes with > 15 000 games.

- Rank saved along with every game report, making it easy to see what rank a player had vs another at the time of their game. This also goes for their new rank after their game.

- Ladder now supports a new way of counting activity: Earlier it was enough to play 1 game within x amount of days to be considered an active player and that couldn't be configured. Now the number of games can be set in the config file, making it necessary to play y games within the x most recent days to be active.

- Profile shows amount of games played within the x most recent days, where x is set by ladder admin and equals the number of days you must have played y games within to be considered as active.

- If passive, profile now shows how many games you lack to become active again.

- Added option in config file to enable/disable a logged in user to see how many Elo points he'd get if he won/lost against a specific user.

- Server date and time can now be seen in the footer, good to know if you ever get confused by looking at the reported time/dates of games.

- How many players should be listed before and after a player in her personal ladder view can be set by admin now.

- Auto-purge players that have registered an account but never played a single game every x:th day, where x is customizable.

- Archiving Ladder: Snapshots are taken of the standings every day. Results can be viewed by ladder.php?archive=YYYY_MM_DD, granted there is a snapshot from that date.

- Statistics logging: On a daily basis, saving info about how many games that were played that day, how many players were registered, sportsmanship average, etc etc.

- Hardcaps: 3 different methods of applying limits to how huge range there can be between players for them to score and what they will score when they are outside of the range.

- One additional provisional system: Whenever at least one of the players are provisional the amount of points won/lost in the game for both players are divided by x, where x is configurable by admin.

- Magical comments on the index, hi-lite when players acomplish something, but only positive stuff.

// Fixed

- Ranking is now included in the cache table, making ranking up to 2000 times faster to get (while bringing some overhead when reporting games instead, but in the end immense amounts of time is won on this decision.)

- Misc. minor bugs when the profile of a player with 0 games in total is viewed.

- Minor Fix: line 41: PROVISIONAL wasn't equal to how many games a player had to play to get out of provisional, it was always one game short, so if provisional was set to 10 then only 9 games were played as provisional.

- When trying to view the profile of a user that has never even been registered you'll now get a proper error message instead of empty tables with wierd numbers in them.

- Removed 7 old unused (I hope... ; ) variables in config file.

- Rewritten way to display ladder, think it should be much faster now. Obviousley this is about the code & sql execution, not the internet access that people use - amount of data sent should be about the same.

- Average games per player number in the sidebar doesn't take into account players with 0 played games any longer.


As always, there may be update related glitches and/or bugs with the new release so please report them to me at spam@eyerouge dot com as detailed as possible and I'll get working on them as soon as possible.

Other news articles:

May 14, 2009 - Main Server Down
March 22, 2009 - Wesnoth 1.6 is out!
March 3 - Ladder moved to a new Humhost server.
January 24, 2009 - Please Save Replays Of Your Matches
December 15, 2008 - server back up again
December 15, 2008 - Main Server Down Again
December 14, 2008 - new admin
December 11, 2008 - Official Server Back Up
- Alternate servers
November 8, 2008 - Match Cap Removed

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the ladder is not in any way associated with the official wesnoth forum, it's moderators and/or the developers of Wesnoth.
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Maintained with care by Drupal Developer Greg Boggs.

contact: Message Cackfiend on Discord

2024-12-04 20:03 UTC | 0.21523sec.