
StonyDrew (1676) / vvd (1421) ®

"p2 orcs over drakes E Courtyard, tough spot it seems" ~StonyDrew

[01/12] StonyDrew has but one obstacle to become the champion and takes 3rd place.
[15/11] kkk111 says there's only a few left to beat and enters the Top 5.
[07/11] momom2 has fought plenty to become one of the Top 5.
[07/11] hitandrun has ascended to the heady heights of 1900 Elo points.
[02/11] clmates points at the sky and is now 3rd place.


logo wanted

We need a logo for the site. The current one stinks, hence you are all invited to create a stylish fantasy/wesnoth themed logo that's a maximum of 150 px high and 800 px wide. Send your jpg to spam(athere) along with your nickname on the ladder. If we choose your logo you'll get the title "ladder logo artist" in your profile. Please also make sure you don't violate any copyrights when you submit a logo to us.

Other news articles:

- patches applied..

Important: Make your wish!

- sourceforge
- improved rating system coming
- important: sabotour problems...
- [rules] new language rule
- new rule
- titles added - ask for one
- [rules] new timer settings
- new sexy number
Recover password

the ladder is not in any way associated with the official wesnoth forum, it's moderators and/or the developers of Wesnoth.
dupe check / rss / powered by Gaming Ladder 191 / to-do
Maintained with care by Drupal Developer Greg Boggs.

contact: Message Cackfiend on Discord

2024-12-13 01:02 UTC | 0.51371sec.