
StonyDrew (1676) / vvd (1421) ®

"p2 orcs over drakes E Courtyard, tough spot it seems" ~StonyDrew

[01/12] StonyDrew is right behind the leader at 3rd place.
[15/11] kkk111 has fought plenty to become one of the Top 5.
[07/11] momom2 has fought plenty to become one of the Top 5.
[07/11] hitandrun has ascended to the heady heights of 1900 Elo points.
[02/11] clmates is the number one contender at 3rd place.


help us debug

A while ago my brother bought me this new shiny computer. Sadly it came with Windows Vista pre-installed which of course was a waste of money on his behalf since I powered it up, created a large partition of the rest of the space and installed Ubuntu on it.

Today I actually booted up Vista for the first time, and to my surprise the Recent Games section in the profile doesn't remember if it was extracted (- is shown) or retracted (+ is shown) between my visits. I tried this out with FireFox and IE 7 on Vista, in in both cases it always ends up retracted between browsing sessions.

This was of course news to me since it works nice in Ubuntu using FF 3. So, what I need help with here since I don't have more Vista machines here, is to know if you can confirm the problem. If you have windows installed then please:

1. Visit someones profile and view his/her latest played games. Press the + if it's retracted.
2. Load another site in your browser, using the same tabe if you use tabs.
3, Close the browser.
4. Enter the ladder site again, and check out the profile of whoever. It should have remembered the last state, so if you left it viewable the games should show.
5. If they don't and if it's always retracted, then mail me your exact OS version and also your exact browser version >> spam at eyerouge dot com.

Other news articles:

- working multiplayer server
- site update to 0.6.0
- 1vs1 Map Changes
- Make your friends list auto-update
- some bugfixes done...
- new name rule
2008-07-`3 - New features available
- sportsmanship
2008-07-11 - New ladder version available
- site frakked by MySQL

Recover password

the ladder is not in any way associated with the official wesnoth forum, it's moderators and/or the developers of Wesnoth.
dupe check / rss / powered by Gaming Ladder 191 / to-do
Maintained with care by Drupal Developer Greg Boggs.

contact: Message Cackfiend on Discord

2024-12-12 21:40 UTC | 0.91576sec.