
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1630   (1672 / 1536) 58% 14 10 24 22 / -18 / 5.42 1  (4 / -5) 4  (25% / 0%: NAN / NAN / NAN) 0% (0 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
None 2 31 35 90%
Please don't message me asking for a game.

Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2010-04-05 18:46:36HoverShagal1630 (21)1813 (-16)1055910264- / - W-1NoDetails
2010-04-02 13:43:00RembrandtHover1849 (8)1609 (-11)5810557107- / --1NoDetails
2010-04-02 09:48:41Hoversmeeds1620 (21)1795 (-16)1106310570- / - W-1NoDetails
2010-04-02 09:25:12RembrandtHover1841 (8)1599 (-11)5910758110- / --1NoDetails
2010-04-02 05:27:28RembrandtHover1832 (9)1610 (-11)5910559107- / --1NoDetails
2010-03-30 05:43:03RembrandtHover1829 (9)1621 (-12)6010759108- / --1NoDetails
2010-03-29 19:41:01RembrandtHover1820 (9)1633 (-12)6410160107- / --1NoDetails
2010-03-29 16:50:28JamesLeeLandHover1268 (25)1645 (-25)0930100- / 3 W-1NoDetails
2010-03-27 15:36:22Hoverstop_chemtrails1670 (15)1615 (-15)9610794108- / --1NoDetails
2010-03-25 10:31:25Hoverccc1655 (8)1269 (-8)1020960- / --1NoDetails
2010-03-23 11:12:40Hoverccc1647 (9)1289 (-9)10401030- / - W-1NoDetails
2010-03-21 19:03:32HoverJamesLeeLand1638 (9)1280 (-9)10701040- / --1NoDetails
2010-03-19 09:08:05CrememberHover1600p (35)1629 (-4)01040105- / 4 W504Download (504)Details
2010-03-19 08:23:35CrememberHover1565p (39)1633 (-39)000104- / 4 W519Download (519)Details
2010-03-18 11:17:17HoverJamesLeeLand1672p (18)1313 (-2)01720173- / --1NoDetails
2010-03-17 08:48:21HoverBrove1654p (24)1423p (-24)0000- / --1NoDetails
2010-03-17 07:49:29Hoverchilicuil1630p (21)1340p (-21)0000- / --1NoDetails
2010-03-17 07:35:18cheshire_catHover1532 (19)1609p (-38)12901250- / 4 W/L544Download (544)Details
2010-03-17 05:43:53HoverBrove1647p (25)1447p (-25)0000- / --1NoDetails
2010-03-17 03:04:55HoverBrove1622p (28)1472p (-28)0000- / --1NoDetails
2010-03-16 16:46:27HoverSAu1594p (27)1433p (-27)0000- / --1NoDetails
2010-03-16 09:04:15Hovercheshire_cat1567p (31)1513 (-4)012801303 / -501Download (501)Details
2010-03-15 14:22:35DemogorgonHover1930 (6)1536p (-16)320320- / - L-1NoDetails
2010-03-14 05:09:03Hoverneki1552p (52)2002 (-5)0170173 / - L-1NoDetails


Different opponents: 13 || Average games/opponent: 1.85 || Total inflation: -2 623 || Games vs overrated: 46% || Games vs underrated: 54%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
neki19842002185252 520141000 1100 00
Demogorgon22321536-302-16-16 16140100 00 1100
cheshire_cat17911609-537-7-3.5 3138280100 150 150
SAu14361433-32727 270140100 1100 00
Brove140314231337725.7 7703131000 3100 00
chilicuil12891340512121 210141000 1100 00
JamesLeeLand125916458420.7 27253131000 266.7 133.3
Cremember24091629-1653-43-21.5 43280100 00 2100
ccc12031269152178.5 170281000 2100 00
stop_chemtrails18121615-1971515 150140100 1100 00
Rembrandt19031609-344-57-11.4 575210100 00 5100
smeeds17571795382121 210141000 1100 00
Shagal18761813-632121 210140100 1100 00


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Maintained with care by Drupal Developer Greg Boggs.

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2024-12-01 10:36 UTC | 0.04189sec.