
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1579   (1611 / 1505) 64% 7 4 11 32 / -36 / 7.18 1  (2 / -1) -  (0% / 0%: NAN / NAN / NAN) 0% (0 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
None 1 14.5 22 67%
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b (dot) nutzer (at) gmail (dot) com n/a uk0gn0s n/a ukognos (at) jabber (dot) org

Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2009-11-21 19:30:11ukognos13lkuo11579 (24)1364p (-24)001010- / - W867Download (867)Details
2008-04-22 20:08:00Savannahukognos1517 (18)1555p (-36)320310- / --1NoDetails
2008-04-19 12:41:00ukognosBrutorix1591p (23)1355p (-23)0000- / --1NoDetails
2008-04-14 21:45:00joboukognos1394p (43)1568p (-43)0000- / --1NoDetails
2008-04-13 17:47:00ukognosRembrandt1611p (33)1596 (-4)019019- / --1NoDetails
2008-01-20 14:20:00ukognosCrassus_PL1578p (39)1647p (-39)0000- / --1NoDetails
2008-01-19 17:25:00_RNG_Foxyukognos1566p (34)1539p (-34)0000- / --1NoDetails
2008-01-18 21:34:00ukognos_RNG_Foxxy1573p (30)1470p (-30)0000- / --1NoDetails
2008-01-14 19:41:00ukognosAnarchid1543p (38)1591p (-38)0000- / --1NoDetails
2008-01-14 19:10:00Anarchidukognos1629p (29)1505p (-29)0000- / --1NoDetails
2008-01-12 18:04:00ukognoszahni1534p (34)1507p (-34)0000- / --1NoDetails


Different opponents: 10 || Average games/opponent: 1.1 || Total inflation: -972 || Games vs overrated: 27% || Games vs underrated: 64%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
zahni17661507-2593434 340190100 1100 00
Anarchid16121591-494.5 38292185050 150 150
_RNG_Foxxy1470147003030 3001900 1100 00
_RNG_Foxy15971539-31-34-34 34190100 00 1100
Crassus_PL16881647-413939 390190100 1100 00
Rembrandt19031596-3073333 330190100 1100 00
jobo1358156836-43-43 43191000 00 1100
Brutorix13741355-192323 230190100 1100 00
Savannah18731555-356-36-36 36190100 00 1100
13lkuo11355136492424 240191000 1100 00


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