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(passive) 1638   (1649 / 1556) 52% 11 10 21 26 / -14 / 6.57 -1  (3 / -2) 4  (43% / 52%: 5 / NAN / 5) 0% (0 / 0 / 0)
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None 2 26.5 35 77%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2013-06-06 09:50:34MadaAsmodean1887 (8)1638 (-11)33583262- / - W-1NoDetails
2013-06-06 09:14:45AsmodeanAbstract1649 (6)1159 (-6)620580- / 5514Download (514)Details
2013-06-06 08:51:25AsmodeanMada1643 (22)1865 (-16)63326234- / 5513Download (513)Details
2013-06-06 08:00:31AsmodeanNoxos1621 (10)1333 (-10)64896389- / 5567Download (567)Details
2013-06-06 07:02:28CarmenAsmodean1873 (8)1611 (-11)34633464- / 2 W488Download (488)Details
2013-06-05 13:18:01gamelleAsmodean2106 (3)1622 (-6)12611162- / 5 W474Download (474)Details
2013-06-05 10:36:51Asmodeanstr1der1628 (9)1292 (-9)620610- / 5649Download (649)Details
2013-06-05 09:42:51AsmodeanXmax1619 (11)1341p (-21)00620- / 5536Download (536)Details
2013-04-19 14:43:29Green_ArrowAsmodean1848 (8)1608 (-11)37623764- / 4 W483Download (483)Details
2013-04-19 12:49:16thefishAsmodean2067 (5)1619 (-7)13601262- / - W499Download (499)Details
2013-04-19 11:22:02Asmodeansiddh1626 (43)1831 (-4)03860385 / 5 L497Download (497)Details
2013-04-19 10:51:36obecalpAsmodean1537p (37)1583p (-37)0000- / 5 W605Download (605)Details
2013-04-19 08:55:36AsmodeanComputer_Player1620p (31)1563 (-4)070072- / 5482Download (482)Details
2013-04-18 13:43:21Green_ArrowAsmodean1794 (12)1589p (-24)410400- / 4 W501Download (501)Details
2013-04-18 10:11:08SpelpAsmodean2156 (3)1613p (-11)7070- / 5 W487Download (487)Details
2013-04-18 09:11:18AsmodeanGreen_Arrow1624p (41)1782 (-5)040041- / 5473Download (473)Details
2013-04-18 06:33:32BonoboAsmodean2035 (5)1583p (-14)150150- / 5 W654Download (654)Details
2013-04-17 16:21:32AsmodeanMada1597p (41)1756 (-5)043044- / 5476Download (476)Details
2013-04-17 15:06:18gamelleAsmodean2119 (3)1556p (-11)100100- / 4 W-1NoDetails
2013-04-16 14:10:12AsmodeanBarbary1567p (33)1546 (-4)076076- / 5626Download (626)Details
2013-04-16 13:50:05AsmodeanBarbary1534p (34)1550 (-4)076076- / 5445Download (445)Details


Different opponents: 15 || Average games/opponent: 1.4 || Total inflation: -1 218 || Games vs overrated: 38% || Games vs underrated: 62%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
Barbary15361546246733.5 6702101000 2100 00
gamelle21141622-3-17-8.5 172105050 00 2100
Mada19161638-2405217.3 63113140100 266.7 133.3
Bonobo20551583-20-14-14 14150100 00 1100
Green_Arrow20321608-67262 41353140100 133.3 266.7
Spelp2107161349-11-11 11151000 00 1100
Computer_Player17211563-1583131 310150100 1100 00
obecalp18981583-361-37-37 37150100 00 1100
siddh169618311354343 430151000 1100 00
thefish20851619-18-7-7 7150100 00 1100
Xmax122113411201111 110151000 1100 00
str1der12841292899 90151000 1100 00
Carmen19161611-43-11-11 11150100 00 1100
Noxos13201333131010 100151000 1100 00
Abstract12111159-5266 60150100 1100 00


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