
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1568   (1614 / 1464) 64% 16 9 25 17 / -22 / 2.72 2  (5 / -3) 5  (16% / 64%: 5 / 5 / 5) 0% (0 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
None 2 33 35 96%
Please don't message me asking for a game.

Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2009-01-03 04:51:26Gorimgicek1568 (11)1329 (-11)010966110- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2008-11-15 14:35:18Gorimgicek1557 (12)1353 (-12)8311378114- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2008-11-15 14:24:17gicekGorim1365 (21)1545 (-21)1157411383- / - W668Download (668)Details
2008-11-15 12:42:18gicekGorim1344 (22)1566 (-22)1187111574- / - W639Download (639)Details
2008-11-15 11:37:31gicekGorim1322 (23)1588 (-23)06611871- / - W641Download (641)Details
2008-11-15 08:13:01Gorimgicek1611 (10)1299 (-10)68119650- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2008-11-12 14:21:02Gorimgicek1601 (10)1313 (-10)6811765118- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2008-11-12 10:38:19gicekGorim1323 (23)1591 (-23)1196311767- / - W683Download (683)Details
2008-11-09 13:38:23Gorimgicek1614 (9)1256 (-9)650640- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2008-11-05 08:21:10Gorimgicek1605 (10)1318 (-10)6410063101- / 5 W/L-1NoDetails
2008-11-03 10:27:01Gorimgicek1595 (10)1312 (-10)6510163102- / 5 L-1NoDetails
2008-11-03 10:03:44Gorimgicek1585 (11)1322 (-11)6410064101- / 5-1NoDetails
2008-11-02 11:51:28GorimMassacre1574 (12)1360 (-12)64946295- / 4 W543Download (543)Details
2008-11-02 10:03:59KnightKunibertGorim1627 (15)1562 (-15)596256645 / 5 W532Download (532)Details
2008-11-02 02:51:05GorimCernunnos1577 (25)1387 (-3)08962924 / 4 W534Download (534)Details
2008-11-02 01:30:44Gorimgicek1552p (22)1292 (-3)0000- / - W-1NoDetails
2008-10-31 08:40:10Gorimgicek1530p (21)1264 (-3)0000- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2008-10-31 06:05:42SnowmanGorim1524 (17)1509p (-34)740740- / --1NoDetails
2008-10-31 05:22:32Gorimgicek1543p (21)1270 (-3)0000- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2008-10-30 08:18:38Gorimgicek1522p (26)1348p (-26)0000- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2008-10-29 12:38:16Gorimgicek1496p (32)1423p (-32)0000- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2008-10-26 08:42:20csarmiGorim1644 (13)1464p (-26)520480- / 4 W557Download (557)Details
2008-10-24 06:56:43ZarakGorim1825 (7)1490p (-19)240240- / --1NoDetails
2008-10-24 06:37:10DauntlessGorim1886 (6)1509p (-17)160140- / 5530Download (530)Details
2008-10-24 03:32:11Gorimhamster1526p (26)1342p (-26)0000- / 4 W-1NoDetails


Different opponents: 9 || Average games/opponent: 2.78 || Total inflation: -933 || Games vs overrated: 32% || Games vs underrated: 64%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
hamster12451342972626 260141000 1100 00
Dauntless22831509-397-17-17 17140100 00 1100
Zarak19931490-168-19-19 19140100 00 1100
csarmi19711464-327-26-26 26140100 00 1100
gicek13291329-1401166.8 2058917682965 1376.5 423.5
Snowman16971509-173-34-34 34140100 00 1100
Cernunnos13961387-92525 250140100 1100 00
KnightKunibert1586156241-15-15 15141000 00 1100
Massacre121713601431212 120141000 1100 00


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