
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.

United States of America

Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1584   (1624 / 1488) 43% 33 43 76 19 / -13 / 1.11 -1  (4 / -7) 4  (59% / 24%: 5 / 4 / 5) 3% (0 / 1 / 1)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Recruit 6 92.5 102 91%
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nrohlf (at) nwciowa (dot) edu n/a n/a redrose595 (at) gmail (dot) com

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Uses Stable version of Wesnoth & can usually play (UTC):

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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2010-02-16 20:25:49FantriKiller5951798 (12)1584 (-12)6510261105- / - L559Download (559)Details
2010-02-08 18:49:13Killer595Aca1596 (16)1577 (-16)110108108111- / 5 W550Download (550)Details
2010-02-02 02:06:34Killer595nelson1580 (22)1801 (-16)10858106585 / 5 W/L573Download (573)Details
2010-01-19 19:38:27Killer595frodo421558 (14)1434 (-14)1031241021265 / 5 W-1NoDetails
2010-01-19 00:23:02HorusKiller5951762 (12)1544 (-12)6510362104- / 4555Download (555)Details
2010-01-18 18:59:29TheOneKiller5951824 (8)1556 (-10)5110047103- / - W-1NoDetails
2009-12-21 18:47:42obiwanrebornKiller5951465 (19)1566 (-19)1401061361091 / 1 W/L742Download (742)Details
2009-12-21 01:07:30Killer595KnightKunibert1585 (15)1522 (-15)109116106122- / - W/L577Download (577)Details
2009-12-21 00:15:44Killer595KnightKunibert1570 (16)1537 (-16)113112108115- / - W/L564Download (564)Details
2009-12-18 23:59:03mattweberKiller5951667 (14)1554 (-14)8510580109- / 5-1NoDetails
2009-12-18 19:34:26LordMarynKiller5951320 (22)1568 (-22)0103164107- / - W-1NoDetails
2009-12-16 17:31:30Killer595LordMaryn1590 (10)1303 (-10)106166103167- / - W554Download (554)Details
2009-12-14 22:51:01KnightKunibertKiller5951666 (15)1580 (-15)8310181104- / 5 W573Download (573)Details
2009-12-14 22:49:24KnightKunibert**Killer5951666 (15)1580 (-15)8310181104- / - W573Download (573)Details
2009-12-14 21:51:52KnightKunibertKiller5951651 (15)1595 (-15)8796831015 / 5 W/L586Download (586)Details
2009-12-09 18:51:14ZiloKiller5951715 (14)1610 (-14)709163965 / 3 W/L579Download (579)Details
2009-12-09 18:36:31Killer595Zilo1624 (19)1701 (-19)976291704 / - W/L562Download (562)Details
2009-12-09 16:28:12ZiloKiller5951720 (14)1605 (-14)68926296- / 3 W561Download (561)Details
2009-12-06 05:43:59Blood_ElfKiller5951522 (38)1619 (-5)09211293- / 5 W687Download (687)Details
2009-12-06 04:56:18Killer595Blood_Elf1624 (14)1484p (-27)9609205 / 5 W/L660Download (660)Details
2009-11-07 21:09:50MichaelmaxKiller5952120 (3)1610 (-6)90894- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2009-08-31 15:54:10Killer595sordan1616 (12)1401 (-12)9515892163- / - W-1NoDetails
2009-08-22 21:50:02KikohilKiller595**1882 (8)1594 (-10)34973497- / 4 L523Download (523)Details
2009-08-22 20:19:17Killer595Kikohil**1626 (22)1858 (-16)97349734- / - W516Download (516)Details
2009-08-21 13:23:58nelsonKiller5951546 (18)1604 (-18)1199011494- / 5 W543Download (543)Details
2009-08-21 12:31:40Killer595nelson1622 (14)1528 (-14)9311590119- / - W513Download (513)Details
2009-08-21 11:53:30Killer595nelson1608 (15)1542 (-15)9511193115- / - W-1NoDetails
2009-08-21 11:22:31nelsonKiller5951557 (18)1593 (-18)1159311195- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2009-08-21 11:05:35Killer595Eli1611 (15)1518p (-30)950930- / - W-1NoDetails
2009-08-20 15:56:52Killer595animesh1596 (12)1372 (-12)9816295163- / - W-1NoDetails


Different opponents: 46 || Average games/opponent: 1.65 || Total inflation: -6 081 || Games vs overrated: 26% || Games vs underrated: 71%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
Shachi20861566-46-23-11.5 23235050 00 2100
KnightKunibert158615223858714.5 11730686733 466.7 233.3
leocrotta23212117-4054422 5410230100 150 150
ced16341504-303-73-36.5 73230100 00 2100
thermophilus14021501993232 320111000 1100 00
Michaelmax21211610-438217 4625340100 133.3 266.7
kezz13891472831414 140111000 1100 00
krotop18141578-250-29-14.5 29230100 00 2100
bluepierrot16551500-323-3-1.5 1518230100 150 150
Idle19261566-6-9-9 9110100 00 1100
kamikaze20641600-333-19-9.5 19230100 00 2100
plk220411547-75-8-8 8110100 00 1100
donkey_noob_trash18841538-16-9-9 9110100 00 1100
LichKing18771535-53-3-3 3110100 00 1100
gonssal17531569-123-26-13 26230100 00 2100
Leech1404140401414 1401100 1100 00
qqq16591525121-11-11 11111000 00 1100
Kikohil17411879404221 420235050 2100 00
Andoriel1417141701313 1301100 1100 00
yankjenets13461343-31111 110110100 1100 00
sitenuker14081467591414 140111000 1100 00
joan15511547-41616 160110100 1100 00
NarajinX22031588-213-12-6 12230100 00 2100
mattweber17371554-167-29-14.5 29230100 00 2100
zako21151565-166-8-8 8110100 00 1100
Serkwolfen15031536272-29-14.5 29231000 00 2100
hiddin15351452-831414 140110100 1100 00
c4rLOs821701554-80-10-5 10230100 00 2100
Altimar126114431821414 140111000 1100 00
windowmaker16151608-71818 180110100 1100 00
nelson20021801-2570294.8 6536680100 466.7 233.3
neki19841563-371-23-11.5 23230100 00 2100
Kane019131556103-7-7 7111000 00 1100
xivarmy16241539-851616 160110100 1100 00
animesh13851372-142412 240230100 2100 00
Eli14261518921515 150111000 1100 00
sordan19831401-5821212 120110100 1100 00
Blood_Elf147916194894.5 145231000 150 150
Zilo18581610-438-9-3 1928340100 133.3 266.7
LordMaryn12041568215-12-6 1022231000 150 150
obiwanreborn146315662-19-19 19111000 00 1100
TheOne21561556-332-10-10 10110100 00 1100
Horus18381544-76-12-12 12110100 00 1100
frodo4214401434-61414 140110100 1100 00
Aca17081577-1311616 160110100 1100 00
Fantri18811584-83-12-12 12110100 00 1100


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2024-12-01 05:21 UTC | 0.15328sec.