SeaRaider (blocked or not added yet)

(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1667   (1680 / 1461) 56% 25 20 45 20 / -16 / 3.71 -1  (5 / -3) 4  (71% / 29%: 4 / 2 / 3) 2% (1 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Peasant 4 57.5 65 88%
Please don't message me asking for a game.

Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2021-07-30 20:46:17LeadFoxSeaRaider1826 (10)1667 (-13)192419241 / --1NoDetails
2021-07-29 22:21:03SeaRaiderMegac11680 (20)1831 (-15)24162317- / - W372Download (372)Details
2021-07-27 19:21:03hitandrunSeaRaider1878 (9)1660 (-12)14221323- / 5 W361Download (361)Details
2021-07-26 21:48:43SeaRaidervvd1672 (16)1659 (-16)23222223- / --1NoDetails
2021-07-26 21:24:23SeaRaider**vvd1672 (16)1659 (-16)23222223- / -370Download (370)Details
2021-07-04 13:32:37SeaRaiderSicario1656 (13)1505p (-27)240230- / 1 W-1NoDetails
2021-07-04 09:32:46hitandrunSeaRaider1817 (9)1643 (-13)17231624- / 5354Download (354)Details
2021-07-04 09:25:46BoyueCN**SeaRaider1539p (39)1651 (-5)023023- / 4345Download (345)Details
2021-07-03 09:27:58SeaRaiderhitandrun1656 (20)1808 (-15)24162317- / - W366Download (366)Details
2021-06-30 20:27:56SeaRaiderclmates1636 (16)1590 (-16)262725273 / - L360Download (360)Details
2021-06-28 11:55:32SeaRaiderSchlamarcel1620 (18)1665 (-18)29252825- / -364Download (364)Details
2021-06-28 09:43:40SeaRaidermatto1602 (27)2131 (-13)3262965 / 5 W/L403Download (403)Details
2021-06-27 21:10:23SeaRaiderclmates1575 (18)1606 (-18)322732283 / - L366Download (366)Details
2021-06-26 09:32:29SchlamarcelSeaRaider1607 (16)1557 (-16)28322732- / 3380Download (380)Details
2021-06-25 22:53:32nuclearm1ndSeaRaider1481 (19)1573 (-19)332733312 / 5 W363Download (363)Details
2021-06-25 20:28:27SeaRaiderhingi1592 (12)1394 (-12)30352735- / -402Download (402)Details
2021-06-23 09:53:40SchlamarcelSeaRaider1635 (15)1580 (-15)262724295 / 5 W/L369Download (369)Details
2021-06-23 09:02:22RekhabSeaRaider1420p (42)1595 (-5)0270271 / 3 W395Download (395)Details
2021-06-22 21:17:25SeaRaiderSchlamarcel1600 (17)1609 (-17)292527265 / -361Download (361)Details
2021-06-21 21:17:52SeaRaiderArpus1583 (19)1689 (-19)302130223 / - L353Download (353)Details
2021-06-21 13:22:23mattoSeaRaider2138 (3)1564 (-5)630630- / 5 W362Download (362)Details
2021-06-19 09:06:34SeaRaiderMaeglin011569 (14)1462 (-14)293327325 / - L385Download (385)Details
2021-06-18 20:49:28XplorerSeaRaider1720 (13)1555 (-13)19281928- / 4361Download (361)Details
2021-06-18 09:06:37SeaRaiderhitandrun1568 (22)1803 (-16)301428164 / -320Download (320)Details
2021-06-17 20:42:48SeaRaiderSchlamarcel1546 (17)1534 (-17)312829315 / -305Download (305)Details
2021-06-12 21:02:14SeaRaiderSquibie1529 (12)1325 (-12)32393241- / -372Download (372)Details
2021-06-09 19:59:50DiggySeaRaider1966 (5)1517 (-7)930930- / 5 W410Download (410)Details
2021-05-30 11:08:28DreadnoughSeaRaider2000 (5)1524 (-7)11351136- / 2 W348Download (348)Details
2021-05-28 20:34:36SeaRaiderSchlamarcel1531 (17)1524 (-17)37333637- / -303Download (303)Details
2021-05-25 21:47:13DiggySeaRaider1977 (5)1514 (-7)12371237- / 5 W306Download (306)Details


Different opponents: 21 || Average games/opponent: 2.14 || Total inflation: -2 261 || Games vs overrated: 29% || Games vs underrated: 71%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
hay20716691651-183939 390120100 1100 00
Arpus18491689-1370-63-10.5 541176130100 233.3 466.7
clmates16091590-1966120.3 610370100 3100 00
Ben2462619201534-413-36-36 36120100 00 1100
Maeglin0114771462127212 107356136733 583.3 116.7
KhorneflakesBA17131461-134-14-14 14120100 00 1100
Schlamarcel16211665-219578.1 88317162971 571.4 228.6
Dreadnough20351524-65-13-6.5 13240100 00 2100
joes14581437-211616 160120100 1100 00
Diggy19981517-53-14-7 14240100 00 2100
Squibie12691325561212 120121000 1100 00
hitandrun18901660-254174.3 4225490100 250 250
Xplorer1630155590-13-13 13121000 00 1100
matto195621313572211 275241000 150 150
Rekhab14771595-57-5-5 5120100 00 1100
hingi13841394101212 120121000 1100 00
nuclearm1nd15421573-61-19-19 19120100 00 1100
Sicario15441505-391313 130120100 1100 00
vvd145416592051616 160121000 1100 00
Megac119851831-1542020 200120100 1100 00
LeadFox1763166763-13-13 13121000 00 1100


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dupe check / rss / powered by Gaming Ladder 191 / to-do
Maintained with care by Drupal Developer Greg Boggs.

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2024-12-01 02:05 UTC | 0.08599sec.