
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.

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Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1572   (1625 / 1484) 44% 11 14 25 23 / -13 / 2.88 -1  (3 / -4) 5  (56% / 8%: 5 / NAN / 5) 0% (0 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
None 2 30.5 35 88%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2014-03-03 22:29:17Veronikagrrrr1774 (12)1572 (-12)4304375- / 5632Download (632)Details
2013-01-29 12:49:38grrrrnicewave1584 (13)1396p (-25)510510- / --1NoDetails
2013-01-20 16:09:07Stenengrrrr2021 (5)1571 (-7)16531653- / 4 W540Download (540)Details
2013-01-19 15:34:12grrrratrop1578 (14)1464 (-14)576456665 / --1NoDetails
2013-01-10 17:17:32GaretJaxgrrrr1886 (7)1564 (-9)25542555- / --1NoDetails
2013-01-10 16:22:17Fanjogrrrr2119 (3)1573 (-6)854854- / 5-1NoDetails
2013-01-10 13:27:30grrrratrop1579 (15)1493p (-30)5605505 / --1NoDetails
2013-01-10 12:21:06grrrrAmyrlin1564 (14)1452p (-29)5705603 / --1NoDetails
2013-01-10 11:37:38Spelpgrrrr2019 (5)1550 (-7)12571257- / 5 W553Download (553)Details
2013-01-10 10:13:14Spelpgrrrr2014 (5)1557 (-7)13551256- / 5 W555Download (555)Details
2013-01-09 13:07:14Fanjogrrrr2113 (3)1564 (-6)855855- / 5-1NoDetails
2013-01-09 09:59:15grrrrAmyrlin1570 (14)1452p (-29)560550- / --1NoDetails
2013-01-09 06:41:45grrrramikrop1556 (13)1398 (-13)56655667- / --1NoDetails
2013-01-09 05:47:32GaretJaxgrrrr1886 (7)1543 (-9)26562656- / --1NoDetails
2013-01-08 18:06:57Xplorergrrrr1803 (11)1552 (-22)3203256- / 4 W562Download (562)Details
2012-12-25 15:12:12Shagalgrrrr1921 (7)1574p (-18)00200- / 5715Download (715)Details
2012-12-25 13:40:25abhijitgrrrr1624 (16)1592p (-33)400370- / 5 W558Download (558)Details
2012-12-24 17:17:29grrrrikomizo1625p (21)1340p (-21)0000- / --1NoDetails
2012-12-21 16:49:39grrrrDrodas1604p (22)1358 (-3)054054- / --1NoDetails
2012-12-21 15:52:32Fanjogrrrr1989 (6)1582p (-16)140140- / 5-1NoDetails
2012-12-21 15:31:55Fanjogrrrr1983 (6)1598p (-17)140140- / 5-1NoDetails
2012-12-21 13:49:50grrrrwieker1615p (32)1588 (-4)00041- / 5-1NoDetails
2012-12-21 12:25:48grrrrZorro1583p (47)1895 (-4)018018- / 4-1NoDetails
2012-12-20 15:21:12grrrrFanjo1536p (52)1982 (-5)013013- / --1NoDetails
2011-10-29 14:05:54Kppgrrrr1874 (6)1484p (-16)440430- / --1NoDetails


Different opponents: 17 || Average games/opponent: 1.47 || Total inflation: 91 || Games vs overrated: 56% || Games vs underrated: 44%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
Kpp20341484-160-16-16 16140100 00 1100
Fanjo1979157329171.4 52455201000 120 480
Zorro1891189544747 470141000 1100 00
wieker1581158873232 320141000 1100 00
Drodas12951358632222 220141000 1100 00
ikomizo15461340-2062121 210140100 1100 00
abhijit19881592-364-33-33 33140100 00 1100
Shagal1876157445-18-18 18141000 00 1100
Xplorer16301552173-22-22 22141000 00 1100
GaretJax14641564844-18-9 18281000 00 2100
amikrop15271398-1291313 130140100 1100 00
Amyrlin16071452-3102814 280280100 2100 00
Spelp21071550-181-14-7 14280100 00 2100
atrop15061464-552914.5 290280100 2100 00
Stenen20951571-74-7-7 7140100 00 1100
nicewave128813961081313 130141000 1100 00
Veronika1739157235-12-12 12141000 00 1100


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2024-12-01 03:23 UTC | 0.06403sec.