
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.

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Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1698   (1728 / 1451) 57% 25 19 44 19 / -15 / 4.5 2  (6 / -4) 4  (57% / 68%: 4 / 4 / 4) 0% (0 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Peasant 4 56.5 65 87%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2009-07-30 07:19:37Darth_WesnothPandemonium1698 (19)1805 (-14)654061444 / 4 W/L-1NoDetails
2009-07-22 03:23:39Darth_WesnothSku1679 (12)1454p (-23)670660- / 3 W-1NoDetails
2009-07-03 10:24:09ps7Darth_Wesnoth2001 (7)1667 (-9)10701073- / 3 W699Download (699)Details
2009-07-03 09:03:19LichKingDarth_Wesnoth1635p (36)1676 (-4)070070- / 5542Download (542)Details
2009-07-01 21:21:06JaechanDarth_Wesnoth1571p (39)1680 (-5)067069- / 3 W643Download (643)Details
2009-07-01 11:38:47Darth_WesnothNAT92i1685 (9)1322p (-18)690670- / 3 W-1NoDetails
2009-07-01 11:08:50Orange_DudeDarth_Wesnoth1806 (14)1676 (-14)46674269- / 4565Download (565)Details
2009-07-01 09:52:55Darth_Wesnothal1exey1690 (12)1476p (-24)680670- / 2 W755Download (755)Details
2009-07-01 09:00:02Darth_Wesnothsmeeds1678 (16)1653 (-16)74706876- / 3 W-1NoDetails
2009-06-30 22:15:48IdleDarth_Wesnoth1924 (8)1662 (-11)19701975- / 5-1NoDetails
2009-06-30 12:26:02Kane0Darth_Wesnoth1722 (16)1673 (-16)62675970- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2009-06-25 10:00:57Ribbon1Darth_Wesnoth1573 (19)1689 (-19)996397663 / 3 L538Download (538)Details
2009-06-25 09:27:34Ribbon1Darth_Wesnoth1554 (20)1708 (-20)1035799633 / 3 L574Download (574)Details
2009-06-24 10:00:49Darth_Wesnothbluepierrot1728 (16)1710 (-16)61585861- / 4 W/L-1NoDetails
2009-06-24 09:04:09DauntlessDarth_Wesnoth2317 (2)1712 (-5)1601615 / 5 W/L-1NoDetails
2009-06-23 13:18:06Darth_Wesnothmaho1717 (10)1422p (-20)640610- / 4 W-1NoDetails
2009-06-23 12:25:57Darth_Wesnothkard_1707 (10)1404 (-10)6513164135- / 4 W-1NoDetails
2009-06-23 09:03:34Darth_WesnothDauntless1697 (28)2314 (-14)7216513 / 3 W/L-1NoDetails
2009-06-23 07:30:33Darth_Wesnothps71669 (23)1975 (-18)79117212- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2009-06-22 21:15:58Darth_WesnothTardokan1646 (13)1495 (-13)8010876112- / 3 W-1NoDetails
2009-06-22 13:07:42Darth_WesnothGurney1633 (12)1440 (-12)8512180122- / 3 W-1NoDetails
2009-06-22 12:36:55EskonDarth_Wesnoth1709 (15)1621 (-15)62796085- / 4 W683Download (683)Details
2009-06-22 11:20:25Darth_WesnothJack_Sparrow1636 (19)1710 (-19)85578059- / 2 W669Download (669)Details
2009-06-22 10:05:29Darth_WesnothTardokan1617 (14)1519 (-14)869985106- / 3 W-1NoDetails
2009-06-21 23:45:42Darth_Wesnothtiboloid1603 (12)1397 (-12)9013386135- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2009-06-21 22:53:22tiboloidDarth_Wesnoth1409 (21)1591 (-21)13685133905 / 5 W510Download (510)Details
2009-06-21 20:10:57Darth_WesnothKane01612 (13)1461p (-27)8708505 / 4 W-1NoDetails
2009-06-20 21:13:10Darth_WesnothKane01599 (14)1488p (-29)8908405 / 5 W-1NoDetails
2009-06-20 11:05:01KolburDarth_Wesnoth1537p (36)1585 (-5)087089- / 4 W529Download (529)Details
2009-06-20 07:18:07Darth_WesnothTeuros1590 (17)1599 (-17)89838784- / 3-1NoDetails


Different opponents: 31 || Average games/opponent: 1.42 || Total inflation: -4 048 || Games vs overrated: 36% || Games vs underrated: 52%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
Outlaw17941471-190-29-29 29120100 00 1100
KnightKunibert158614933392211 4422251000 150 150
Lucky21041475-291-18-18 18120100 00 1100
nilkiimas1630166167189 4224251000 150 150
kobri4ka16291502-5194.5 3829250100 150 150
LANDMIND12811281224623 46025500 2100 00
muge117913291502323 230121000 1100 00
Orange_Dude19491676-354-26-13 26250100 00 2100
Kolbur22771585-1516-10-5 10250100 00 2100
DeathAnkjell16271653261919 190121000 1100 00
Teuros1599159901717 1701200 1100 00
Kane019131673-1068113.7 2716370100 266.7 133.3
tiboloid18201397-834-9-4.5 1221250100 150 150
Tardokan14951495242713.5 27025500 2100 00
Jack_Sparrow1710171001919 1901200 1100 00
Eskon17261621-17-15-15 15120100 00 1100
Gurney13571440831212 120121000 1100 00
ps721031667-230147 239250100 150 150
Dauntless22831712652311.5 285251000 150 150
kard_127714041271010 100121000 1100 00
maho13741422481010 100121000 1100 00
bluepierrot16551710551616 160121000 1100 00
Ribbon116661689-205-39-19.5 39250100 00 2100
Idle19261662-2-11-11 11120100 00 1100
smeeds17571653-1041616 160120100 1100 00
al1exey1476147601212 1201200 1100 00
NAT92i127213225099 90121000 1100 00
Jaechan1558168013-5-5 5121000 00 1100
LichKing18771676-242-4-4 4120100 00 1100
Sku14641454-101212 120120100 1100 00
Pandemonium18081805-31919 190120100 1100 00


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