
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1464   (1585 / 1436) 35% 7 13 20 24 / -16 / -1.8 -1  (3 / -6) 4  (65% / 30%: 4 / NAN / 4) 0% (0 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
None 2 23.5 35 68%
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fusion_oscura (at) hotmail (dot) com n/a n/a n/a

Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2009-08-17 01:10:12XplorerSku1494 (16)1464 (-16)135133130136- / 5537Download (537)Details
2009-08-13 04:42:34Skurekahtul1480 (16)1432 (-16)1361411311434 / 4511Download (511)Details
2009-08-04 16:19:11Funeral_WarfogSku1437p (35)1464 (-4)01170117- / 4 W-1NoDetails
2009-07-26 06:45:21ShagalSku1774 (10)1468 (-10)5111145112- / 4-1NoDetails
2009-07-26 04:33:53VariousSku1824 (7)1478 (-9)3810637111- / 5540Download (540)Details
2009-07-24 10:16:42SkuBalthazar1487 (13)1326p (-26)11301060- / -622Download (622)Details
2009-07-24 04:42:26PositionalPlayerSku1603p (28)1474 (-3)01090111- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2009-07-23 03:35:06csarmiSku1795 (10)1477 (-10)010843113- / 5 W542Download (542)Details
2009-07-23 02:39:22rat4001Sku1532p (32)1487 (-4)01070108- / 4 W632Download (632)Details
2009-07-23 01:42:43Skuiceant1491 (22)1246 (-3)001070- / 3 W643Download (643)Details
2009-07-22 05:23:35Skuetrusek1469p (33)1418p (-33)0000- / 5605Download (605)Details
2009-07-22 04:54:32VariousSku1794 (9)1436p (-18)420400- / 5546Download (546)Details
2009-07-22 03:23:39Darth_WesnothSku1679 (12)1454p (-23)670660- / 3 W-1NoDetails
2009-07-22 02:14:38etrusekSku1451p (36)1477p (-36)0000- / 3 W-1NoDetails
2009-07-22 00:51:05donkey_noob_trashSku1847 (7)1513p (-19)320320- / 5 W643Download (643)Details
2009-07-21 10:29:35ps7Sku2020 (5)1532p (-13)9090- / 3 W-1NoDetails
2009-07-21 08:52:42etrusekSku1439p (40)1545p (-40)0000- / - W-1NoDetails
2009-07-21 06:54:48SkuAnduril1585p (27)1417p (-27)0000- / 4623Download (623)Details
2009-07-21 06:10:19SkuAnduril1558p (29)1444p (-29)0000- / 4634Download (634)Details
2009-07-21 05:20:00Skuetrusek1529p (29)1399p (-29)0000- / 3 W637Download (637)Details


Different opponents: 15 || Average games/opponent: 1.33 || Total inflation: -272 || Games vs overrated: 45% || Games vs underrated: 45%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
etrusek1418141835-14-3.5 62764205025 250 250
Anduril136014171415628 5602101000 2100 00
ps721031532-83-13-13 13150100 00 1100
donkey_noob_trash18841513-37-19-19 19150100 00 1100
Darth_Wesnoth16981454-19-23-23 23150100 00 1100
Various18801478-142-27-13.5 272100100 00 2100
iceant11471246992222 220151000 1100 00
rat40011501148731-4-4 4151000 00 1100
csarmi19711477-176-10-10 10150100 00 1100
PositionalPlayer1552147451-3-3 3151000 00 1100
Balthazar12931326331313 130151000 1100 00
Shagal18761468-102-10-10 10150100 00 1100
Funeral_Warfog143714640-4-4 41500 00 1100
rekahtul13991432331616 160151000 1100 00
Xplorer16301464-136-16-16 16150100 00 1100


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