
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1630   (1760 / 1407) 50% 73 73 146 14 / -13 / 0.89 -2  (6 / -6) 5  (48% / 88%: 4 / 5 / 4) 1% (2 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Soldier 10 182.5 193 95%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2022-03-25 19:48:28Vilebeggarnilkiimas1900 (8)1630 (-10)909165 / 5 L372Download (372)Details
2012-07-23 18:33:29vandalnilkiimas2110 (3)1640 (-7)14013565 / 5 L589Download (589)Details
2012-02-09 15:45:07nilkiimasitt1647 (16)1597 (-16)80847587- / 3 W525Download (525)Details
2012-01-17 17:47:51NotBadnilkiimas1734 (14)1631 (-14)6706478- / 5 W650Download (650)Details
2011-12-01 21:26:43khorne-flakesnilkiimas1888 (8)1645 (-11)49046865 / 5 W/L564Download (564)Details
2011-05-23 14:37:20skbnilkiimas1862 (9)1656 (-12)449244925 / 5 W-1NoDetails
2011-05-07 22:36:04creepylichnilkiimas1727 (15)1668 (-15)8608391- / 5 W585Download (585)Details
2011-03-31 00:02:35Kira1nilkiimas2081 (6)1683 (-8)1701671- / --1NoDetails
2010-12-09 21:23:05Lxxnilkiimas1652 (18)1691 (-18)70596860- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2010-12-04 20:23:58nilkiimasShagal1709 (22)1935 (-16)0285728- / 4 W607Download (607)Details
2010-08-17 16:59:57Zorronilkiimas2051 (6)1687 (-9)207219765 / 5 L-1NoDetails
2010-08-07 12:25:21nilkiimasdragonmaster1696 (10)1412 (-10)010464106- / 4 W722Download (722)Details
2010-05-14 14:56:41gaute1nilkiimas1985 (7)1686 (-10)215720594 / 4-1NoDetails
2010-04-30 14:11:02khiMnilkiimas1911 (9)1696 (-12)30029655 / --1NoDetails
2010-02-03 21:06:44Acanilkiimas1512 (43)1708 (-5)077116774 / --1NoDetails
2010-01-22 15:37:21nilkiimasCalidine1713 (5)1118 (-5)00720- / 4 W584Download (584)Details
2009-12-05 16:16:20nilkiimashay2071708 (11)1449p (-22)720670- / 4657Download (657)Details
2009-11-11 17:32:34SunnyGreensnilkiimas1541p (41)1697 (-5)060062- / 4 W-1NoDetails
2009-11-10 11:14:04nilkiimaskard_1702 (8)1304 (-8)6316660167- / 3737Download (737)Details
2009-11-08 13:56:25Coriolannilkiimas2229 (3)1694 (-6)2602625 / 5 W/L-1NoDetails
2009-10-26 13:45:48RiceMunchernilkiimas1483 (22)1700 (-22)12957125624 / 5 W/L602Download (602)Details
2009-10-26 12:36:12nilkiimasRiceMuncher1722 (11)1461 (-11)6012657129- / 4 W595Download (595)Details
2009-10-20 09:18:14nilkiimasscraed1711 (10)1399p (-20)630620- / 3 W748Download (748)Details
2009-10-19 09:47:07nilkiimasscraed1701 (12)1476p (-24)650630- / 4-1NoDetails
2009-10-08 12:39:01Fantrinilkiimas1484 (22)1689 (-22)1176111264- / - W/L563Download (563)Details
2009-10-08 12:08:07Fantrinilkiimas1462 (22)1711 (-22)12657117614 / - W/L555Download (555)Details
2009-09-16 09:55:40Jiskahnilkiimas1506 (22)1733 (-22)059122605 / 5 W/L672Download (672)Details
2009-09-09 13:43:190x0Dnilkiimas1543p (43)1755 (-5)0600604 / 5 L-1NoDetails
2009-09-08 09:47:56nilkiimaspxh1760 (10)1459p (-20)600600- / 3-1NoDetails
2009-09-06 09:44:37nilkiimasShotgun_Crocodile1750 (11)1511p (-23)620600- / 5 W728Download (728)Details


Different opponents: 97 || Average games/opponent: 1.51 || Total inflation: -9 265 || Games vs overrated: 41% || Games vs underrated: 56%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
Drasguard18381481-29-19-19 19110100 00 1100
tetsuo1799142247-34-17 3421500 00 2100
pinkdwarf150314685142 3430211000 150 150
Calzifer1495143947-29-29 29111000 00 1100
Fosprey19701408-88-14-14 14110100 00 1100
KnightKunibert15861519111-1-0.3 3940323367 133.3 266.7
pimo14381419-193232 320110100 1100 00
Dauntless22831460-495-19-19 19110100 00 1100
c4rLOs821701425-259-7-7 7110100 00 1100
Nomade18441865-24-9-2.3 2231437525 125 375
AndreeWarden12201298781414 140111000 1100 00
TheShadower147115981272020 200111000 1100 00
HODOR21401442-268-7-7 7110100 00 1100
chris812861244-722412 240210100 2100 00
Fleup15481465-175-1-0.5 1617210100 150 150
bdn14541474201717 170111000 1100 00
hamster12451266211111 110111000 1100 00
jacob17871433-810-54-13.5 54430100 00 4100
Coriolan20091694-23541 2622432575 125 375
Kriegarsch16681680122222 220111000 1100 00
Jester6661510145516-15-15 15111000 00 1100
Benbullfrog15581441-8-14-14 14110100 00 1100
deathblade13821465831717 170111000 1100 00
Quetzalcoatl19611419-415-14-14 14110100 00 1100
dashzed13821441591717 170111000 1100 00
Jack_Sparrow17101424-65-12-12 12110100 00 1100
Lord1751141667-8-8 8111000 00 1100
Rigor20291658-496-31-10.3 31320100 00 3100
0rtega12261288621414 140111000 1100 00
aramaki17991473-3261818 180110100 1100 00
zod1421142761616 160111000 1100 00
The_kungfu_boy15371492-199115.5 154210100 150 150
thermophilus1402147551-17-17 17111000 00 1100
Brutorix1374136942814 280215050 2100 00
derijk191330133001313 1301100 1100 00
Gen-kun14091409282914.5 29021500 2100 00
str1der12841364801212 120111000 1100 00
obiwanreborn14631452-111515 150110100 1100 00
AssassinT9017441623-1211818 180110100 1100 00
MidNightExpress139214521332713.5 270211000 2100 00
Faello16841600-174-5-5 5110100 00 1100
Grond127013692202311.5 230211000 2100 00
ekki15261449-1292512.5 250210100 2100 00
Indoors15631638-11-10-5 10215050 00 2100
Hagbart19591618-22-9-9 9110100 00 1100
uio16831427-2561212 120110100 1100 00
abpdoc129213662562311.5 230211000 2100 00
tnp19561475-4811212 120110100 1100 00
Pandemonium1808165417-13-13 13111000 00 1100
Darth_Wesnoth16981661-45273.5 125210100 150 150
Kolbur22771642-21914113.7 410320100 3100 00
Orange_Dude19491672-178-14-14 14110100 00 1100
akkon14811520391313 130111000 1100 00
Tesafilmchen17071652-40-33-16.5 33210100 00 2100
iceant11471299313189 180211000 2100 00
qqq16591657157-13-13 13111000 00 1100
artemis1017721636-392-5-1.7 1621320100 133.3 266.7
Andoriel14171380-642010 200210100 2100 00
joan15511650-170-23-23 23110100 00 1100
Various18801637-99-13-13 13110100 00 1100
Daerun13921348-73144.7 206320100 266.7 133.3
hiddin15351510-103174.3 3720432575 375 125
npc16111675-10-4-2 1418215050 150 150
Mikc139516807852.5 116211000 150 150
Rayvid127414092792110.5 210211000 2100 00
Akheraphin14251346-149189 180210100 2100 00
Kane019131694-3-2-0.7 2123323367 133.3 266.7
Lucky21041683-187-11-11 11110100 00 1100
DeathAnkjell1627163691515 150111000 1100 00
gons16881704-126-9-4.5 9215050 00 2100
Janitor20592026-332323 230110100 1100 00
Shotgun_Crocodile16471511-2492311.5 230210100 2100 00
pxh14321459271010 100111000 1100 00
0x0D154317550-5-5 51100 00 1100
Jiskah15611733-55-22-22 22110100 00 1100
Fantri18811689-816-44-22 44210100 00 2100
scraed132713992212211 220211000 2100 00
RiceMuncher21361700-1328-11-5.5 1122210100 150 150
kard_127713042788 80111000 1100 00
SunnyGreens13851697156-5-5 5111000 00 1100
hay20716691449-2201111 110110100 1100 00
Calidine109811182055 50111000 1100 00
Aca17081708-196-5-5 5110100 00 1100
khiM1833169678-12-12 12111000 00 1100
gaute11975168610-10-10 10111000 00 1100
dragonmaster13631412491010 100111000 1100 00
Zorro18911687160-9-9 9111000 00 1100
Shagal18761935592222 220111000 1100 00
Lxx17421691-90-18-18 18110100 00 1100
Kira122781683-197-8-8 8110100 00 1100
creepylich1710166817-15-15 15111000 00 1100
skb17181656144-12-12 12111000 00 1100
khorne-flakes1826164562-11-11 11111000 00 1100
NotBad1646163188-14-14 14111000 00 1100
itt17421597-1451616 160110100 1100 00
vandal21891640-79-7-7 7110100 00 1100
Vilebeggar19211630-21-10-10 10110100 00 1100


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2024-11-28 12:56 UTC | 0.65105sec.