
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1694   (1771 / 1477) 57% 43 33 76 16 / -14 / 2.55 -1  (6 / -3) 3  (39% / 55%: 3 / NAN / 3) 3% (0 / 2 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Recruit 6 97.5 102 96%
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elmedina84 (at) hotmail (dot) com n/a n/a n/a

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Uses Stable version of Wesnoth & can usually play (UTC):

Morning Noon Afternoon Evening Night

Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2009-09-08 15:35:56Rigorfenix1942 (8)1694 (-11)24712274- / 2 W582Download (582)Details
2009-09-06 20:04:01fenixGarunda1705 (11)1436p (-21)730690- / 3-1NoDetails
2009-09-06 00:11:35Tipafenix1558p (40)1694 (-5)070073- / 5-1NoDetails
2009-08-31 13:14:42nelsonfenix1568 (20)1699 (-20)1146710671- / 4 W561Download (561)Details
2009-08-31 12:50:53fenixnelson1719 (13)1548 (-13)7011067114- / 3-1NoDetails
2009-08-31 10:09:08Consciencefenix1517 (21)1706 (-21)1326612370- / --1NoDetails
2009-08-31 09:02:24fenixConscience1727 (11)1496 (-11)6712766132- / 3-1NoDetails
2009-08-30 10:25:31Unbeatablefenix1905 (9)1716 (-12)29642866- / 1-1NoDetails
2009-08-29 12:26:02plk2fenix2045 (7)1728 (-9)10631066- / --1NoDetails
2009-08-28 15:23:43tbalfenix1853 (10)1737 (-14)37593562- / --1NoDetails
2009-08-28 13:31:04fenixtbal1751 (19)1843 (-14)64355937- / 3-1NoDetails
2009-08-25 11:19:09c4rLOs8fenix2146 (4)1732 (-8)465467- / --1NoDetails
2009-08-24 05:37:25fenixAhilej1740 (10)1454p (-21)680650- / 3-1NoDetails
2009-08-20 13:43:24tbalfenix1812 (11)1730 (-15)48604663- / --1NoDetails
2009-08-16 09:08:24Consciencefenix1504 (22)1745 (-22)1325612660- / 3 W592Download (592)Details
2009-08-16 08:36:34fenixConscience1767 (10)1482 (-10)5912956132- / 3-1NoDetails
2009-08-11 16:35:43FishMongerfenix1654p (39)1757 (-5)056056- / --1NoDetails
2009-08-11 04:29:47fenixDeath1762 (9)1402 (-9)56144551473 / 3 L-1NoDetails
2009-08-09 09:45:40fenixfermiore1753 (7)1299p (-14)560550- / 3-1NoDetails
2009-08-09 04:58:32Janitorfenix1975 (8)1746 (-11)14551456- / 4-1NoDetails
2009-08-08 12:53:47relocfenix1853 (11)1757 (-14)36553456- / 3-1NoDetails
2009-08-08 11:48:45fenixDenLaden1771 (6)1235 (-6)540540- / 2-1NoDetails
2009-08-08 05:47:03fenixWilk1765 (10)1441p (-19)550540- / 3-1NoDetails
2009-08-07 12:15:43Michaelmaxfenix2052 (7)1755 (-10)852853- / 1-1NoDetails
2009-08-07 12:05:28fenixMichaelmax**1787 (22)2028 (-17)5285281 / 3 L-1NoDetails
2009-08-07 11:40:32fenixfrodo421765 (10)1465 (-10)53119521225 / 5-1NoDetails
2009-08-07 08:23:21fenixShutruk1755 (9)1412p (-18)540530- / 3-1NoDetails
2009-08-07 08:00:31fenixtimetraveler1746 (11)1478p (-22)560540- / 1-1NoDetails
2009-08-07 03:29:54fenixArkad1735 (12)1544 (-12)57056982 / 2-1NoDetails
2009-08-06 15:39:23fenixakkon1723 (10)1424 (-10)5812757128- / 2-1NoDetails


Different opponents: 54 || Average games/opponent: 1.41 || Total inflation: -3 835 || Games vs overrated: 39% || Games vs underrated: 54%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
qqq1659147754-23-23 23111000 00 1100
frodo4214401465624221 420231000 2100 00
DeathAnkjell16271644173838 380111000 1100 00
ozkriff142714811376130.5 610231000 2100 00
Inferus15491571-12-37-37 37110100 00 1100
aPuppy14811533-15-38-38 38110100 00 1100
plk22041172824-21-10.5 21231000 00 2100
Orange_Dude19491849-1004646 460110100 1100 00
tnp19561549-59-18-18 18110100 00 1100
marico17091576452713.5 4013231000 150 150
clmates16091376-4552311.5 230230100 2100 00
Kolbur22771584-641-15-15 15110100 00 1100
leocrotta23211579-129-5-5 5110100 00 1100
Vandarr16481488-5735513.8 550450100 4100 00
muge117912103188 80111000 1100 00
Xplorer16301417-430-8-4 1321230100 150 150
sauron1729173892020 200111000 1100 00
Various18801607-28-22-11 22230100 00 2100
Fareley149816123294.5 145235050 150 150
gonssal17531598-61-14-14 14110100 00 1100
Funeral_Warfog14371381-892311.5 230230100 2100 00
Shagal18761597-146-24-12 24230100 00 2100
strangecircus13101347371111 110111000 1100 00
Desent13191347281010 100111000 1100 00
rat40011501150101414 1401100 1100 00
Janitor20591746-27920.7 2220340100 133.3 266.7
Lizard1506150601313 1301100 1100 00
szdik57018341337-49799 90110100 1100 00
Blue_Hades1503150521212 120111000 1100 00
abpdoc12921390981010 100111000 1100 00
Pandemonium18081804-41818 180110100 1100 00
Dauntless2283173166-5-5 5111000 00 1100
Michaelmax21211755-156-20-10 20230100 00 2100
fakivaki16211702-34-19-19 19110100 00 1100
Black_Raven15091464-451111 110110100 1100 00
akkon14811424-571010 100110100 1100 00
Arkad15761544-321212 120110100 1100 00
timetraveler1478147801111 1101100 1100 00
Shutruk136214125099 90111000 1100 00
Wilk1441144101010 1001100 1100 00
DenLaden1082123515366 60111000 1100 00
reloc184817575-14-14 14111000 00 1100
fermiore12991299077 701100 1100 00
Death18091402-40799 90110100 1100 00
FishMonger17451757-91-5-5 5110100 00 1100
Conscience14141706343-22-5.5 2143451000 250 250
tbal17211737345-10-3.3 1929341000 133.3 266.7
Ahilej125014542041010 100111000 1100 00
c4rLOs821701732-24-8-8 8110100 00 1100
Unbeatable21381716-233-12-12 12110100 00 1100
nelson20021699-888-7-3.5 1320230100 150 150
Tipa1467169491-5-5 5111000 00 1100
Garunda15321436-961111 110110100 1100 00
Rigor20291694-87-11-11 11110100 00 1100


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2024-11-28 12:37 UTC | 0.3559sec.