
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.

United States of America

Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1940   (2018 / 1520) 62% 151 93 244 11 / -13 / 1.8 -4  (12 / -6) 5  (42% / 69%: 4 / 5 / 4) 0% (0 / 0 / 0)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Veteran 15 319.5 340 94%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2011-07-09 05:09:23ShokerParadiseCity1532 (25)1940 (-19)131012534- / - W647Download (647)Details
2011-01-14 01:50:33ColossiParadiseCity1738 (22)1959 (-16)6506227- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2010-11-07 00:12:18gamelleParadiseCity2083 (10)1975 (-10)13211321- / 5 W577Download (577)Details
2010-11-04 02:34:42kakarotoParadiseCity1418 (27)1985 (-20)0209920- / - W-1NoDetails
2010-10-31 20:20:58ParadiseCityppp2005 (5)1529p (-14)00200- / 3 W-1NoDetails
2010-07-27 19:10:57ParadiseCityhec2000 (7)1702 (-10)20612065- / 5 W713Download (713)Details
2010-07-19 00:02:21ParadiseCityZorro1993 (12)1980 (-12)222121235 / 5577Download (577)Details
2010-07-18 13:30:58thefishParadiseCity1963 (13)1981 (-13)25212522- / -577Download (577)Details
2010-07-18 12:35:19ParadiseCitythefish1994 (12)1950 (-12)22252125- / 5576Download (576)Details
2010-07-17 19:34:36VandarrParadiseCity1720 (23)1982 (-17)65186022- / 5697Download (697)Details
2010-07-17 16:53:28ParadiseCityYoyobuae1999 (4)1386 (-5)2011419114- / 5699Download (699)Details
2010-07-17 14:29:03ParadiseCityKPSS1995 (4)1460p (-12)200190- / 4738Download (738)Details
2010-07-16 23:57:41elidoParadiseCity1886 (14)1991 (-14)39203720- / 5 W580Download (580)Details
2010-07-16 23:22:49ParadiseCityelido2005 (10)1872 (-10)20402039- / 5-1NoDetails
2010-07-15 00:14:20ParadiseCityArthas1995 (7)1654 (-9)20762080- / 4 W610Download (610)Details
2010-07-14 17:23:48ParadiseCityAsgor1988 (3)1340p (-9)200190- / 5 W688Download (688)Details
2010-07-13 18:59:58RobsParadiseCity1888 (14)1985 (-14)38183620- / 5 W560Download (560)Details
2010-07-12 01:15:19ParadiseCityelido1999 (11)1894 (-11)203318355 / 5 W/L551Download (551)Details
2010-07-11 19:03:37YoyobuaeParadiseCity1364 (28)1988 (-21)1181711220- / -719Download (719)Details
2010-07-11 17:24:56ParadiseCityYoyobuae2009 (3)1336 (-4)1711717117- / 5734Download (734)Details
2010-07-09 18:07:08ParadiseCityNoLuck2006 (4)1451p (-11)180170- / 4544Download (544)Details
2010-07-08 18:54:41ParadiseCityTDW_Florent2002 (9)1779 (-11)20491951- / 5 W673Download (673)Details
2010-07-05 15:44:31ParadiseCitySlarge1993 (7)1697 (-10)206120635 / 5 W/L717Download (717)Details
2010-07-03 23:11:53ParadiseCityskb1986 (9)1793 (-9)204720485 / 5 W/L503Download (503)Details
2010-07-01 22:56:09ParadiseCityOook1977 (14)2041 (-14)231318135 / 5 W/L533Download (533)Details
2010-07-01 19:35:12ParadiseCityDauntless1963 (18)2343 (-12)2512415 / 5 W559Download (559)Details
2010-07-01 00:20:50ParadiseCitygonssal1945 (10)1786 (-13)28482749- / 4 W735Download (735)Details
2010-06-30 22:26:05ParadiseCityDrediviros1935 (6)1548 (-8)28812883- / 5 W652Download (652)Details
2010-06-28 17:47:42dragonlxParadiseCity1897 (13)1929 (-13)37273429- / 5 W-1NoDetails
2010-06-28 17:18:45dragonlxParadiseCity1884 (13)1942 (-13)40253727- / 5 W-1NoDetails


Different opponents: 135 || Average games/opponent: 1.81 || Total inflation: -7 863 || Games vs overrated: 44% || Games vs underrated: 51%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
MiniMilk1591159103838 3801000 1100 00
WackererWichtel18811877662 2418316733 266.7 133.3
Kriegsmesser1442144203030 3001000 1100 00
ps721031534-166-16-16 16100100 00 1100
maho13741339-352323 230100100 1100 00
Dauntless22832343183-1-0.3 1819421000 125 375
kamikaze20641533-157-17-17 17100100 00 1100
KnightKunibert158617501644242 420101000 1100 00
akkon1481154044-35-35 35101000 00 1100
Minion_of_Leshrac15291565363535 350101000 1100 00
scrouic133414711371414 140101000 1100 00
Kikohil17411828205-7-2.3 1825316733 133.3 266.7
marico17091773642121 210101000 1100 00
Anduril13601423631313 130101000 1100 00
knight8913331410771212 120101000 1100 00
Janitor2059199222772.3 2417316733 133.3 266.7
hiddin15351634-20-5-5 5100100 00 1100
nelson20021976-1036-46-9.2 1359520100 120 480
Druid18901609-366-5-5 5100100 00 1100
Akheraphin14251588-38-21-21 21100100 00 1100
artemis1017721575-55-13-13 13100100 00 1100
will13381370321212 120101000 1100 00
Tipa14671484171414 140101000 1100 00
Yoyobuae13811386-43-42-6 2163734357 457.1 342.9
frodo4214401569138-11-5.5 819211000 150 150
Spree15161506-101515 150100100 1100 00
Lucky21041824-452-10-2 2434520100 120 480
XcastellanoX13421420781313 130101000 1100 00
Horus18381722-1161919 190100100 1100 00
Quari139015831931616 160101000 1100 00
Honor20021628-163-12-12 12100100 00 1100
Wif-Gnizla18411616-9-12-12 12100100 00 1100
Aragorn17851603-43-13-13 13100100 00 1100
Pentarctagon14571451142713.5 270215050 2100 00
janek18371635-2021717 170100100 1100 00
Calidine109811307994.5 90211000 2100 00
bentheflyer13911474831313 130101000 1100 00
Ariu19681806-37942 1814210100 150 150
Aca17081572-237-5-2.5 1217210100 150 150
TheOne21562165-280366 5822623367 350 350
Redmeer15531588782814 280211000 2100 00
mattweber17371971-73-14-4.7 1832310100 133.3 266.7
NarajinX22031771-56-14-7 14210100 00 2100
TLA_John_Swallow14771432-451212 120100100 1100 00
str1der12841281-388 80100100 1100 00
Suerte15571605481515 150101000 1100 00
Kolbur22772030-55531.5 1310210100 150 150
itsme13411403621111 110101000 1100 00
LichKing187720082623517.5 350211000 2100 00
sinue16171699-76-5-5 5100100 00 1100
skb17181793689-11-1 6576115919 654.5 545.5
darklsn1479147901111 1101000 1100 00
Smasher129213344277 70101000 1100 00
shuashock14621480181010 100101000 1100 00
Den12381238066 601000 1100 00
c4rLOs821701801-351-4-1 2327420100 125 375
tekelili21261762-441-19-19 19100100 00 1100
thefish20851981-936-19-3.8 2443520100 240 360
Fantri18811840-1454414.7 440310100 3100 00
Dreadnough20351872-10754110.3 410420100 4100 00
Henrythe12th1636172252791.5 4334628317 466.7 233.3
Shachi2086179957-7-7 7101000 00 1100
LizardKing17471663-841313 130100100 1100 00
edgar55139614202466 60101000 1100 00
tbal17211815122-12-12 12101000 00 1100
gonssal17531786542110.5 210211000 2100 00
13ismitch18631879161313 130101000 1100 00
NoPassRetrieval18701839-55-13-13 13100100 00 1100
Nordmann18951974-90-38-12.7 38313367 00 3100
Leon1das1530181118-4-4 4101000 00 1100
Kaliso16591795-53-16-16 16100100 00 1100
Coriolan20092045362222 220101000 1100 00
thermophilus14021439135115.5 110211000 2100 00
cheshire_cat17911805-3284511.3 450422575 4100 00
tct130213122684 80211000 2100 00
elido21491991-2168-15-2.5 3045620100 350 350
JamesLeeLand12591243-1644 40100100 1100 00
stop_chemtrails18121749-462224.4 3715520100 480 120
lori15981565-3388 80100100 1100 00
gaute119751963-876164 2812422575 375 125
Cremember24091825-605-13-13 13100100 00 1100
Shagal18761809-105-24-12 24210100 00 2100
Demogorgon22321958-507-14-3.5 1529420100 125 375
tyro15301482-4877 70100100 1100 00
Tshemmp144314924977 70101000 1100 00
uio16831643-4088 80100100 1100 00
-ghost-1455156110677 70101000 1100 00
dragonmaster13631533561175.7 170311000 3100 00
hellboy18051810-118234.6 3815524040 480 120
jogador1061135262084 80211000 2100 00
frosti1476152025105 100215050 2100 00
sillenia16161934-1-11-5.5 718215050 150 150
Greenwood1300135717294.5 90211000 2100 00
khiM183319762232412 240211000 2100 00
Arthas16091654-1136.5 130215050 2100 00
Herco180019525-15-15 15101000 00 1100
Zembolx1319135715873.5 70211000 2100 00
Destructinator14871487055 501000 1100 00
Faerieman175217812999 90101000 1100 00
Bast20581988-185-14-14 14100100 00 1100
Ihtwatwhm15551555055 501000 1100 00
Goldilocks22741990-90-16-8 16210100 00 2100
Huumy1908198114-13-13 13101000 00 1100
neki19842004-206-4-2 1014210100 150 150
Random14221422044 401000 1100 00
rexim1134127514133 30101000 1100 00
Adamacious14931487-655 50100100 1100 00
enacui2217196624-8-8 8101000 00 1100
CyBiO17981736-226248 240310100 3100 00
ikan142314876455 50101000 1100 00
ElvenKing175017853599 90101000 1100 00
stefkemp132513664133 30101000 1100 00
Odineye1191139120044 40101000 1100 00
zahni17661941-182-18-18 18100100 00 1100
atly18031814322010 200211000 2100 00
alda18401675-16588 80100100 1100 00
Dahaka11714561456055 501000 1100 00
ArtemisX201719559-11-11 11101000 00 1100
dragonlx1860192961-26-13 26211000 00 2100
Drediviros15481548066 601000 1100 00
Oook22102041-1691414 140100100 1100 00
Slarge164816974977 70101000 1100 00
TDW_Florent18181779-3999 90100100 1100 00
NoLuck14551451-444 40100100 1100 00
Robs19801985-92-14-14 14100100 00 1100
Asgor129913404133 30101000 1100 00
KPSS14651460-544 40100100 1100 00
Vandarr1648198272-17-17 17101000 00 1100
Zorro18911980891212 120101000 1100 00
hec168417021877 70101000 1100 00
ppp15291529055 501000 1100 00
kakaroto16241985-206-20-20 20100100 00 1100
gamelle21141975-31-10-10 10100100 00 1100
Colossi17711959-33-16-16 16100100 00 1100
Shoker1495194037-19-19 19101000 00 1100


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2024-12-01 05:22 UTC | 0.47228sec.