
(Missing 1 games. Played 0 in the 30 recent days.


Rank Rating Percent Wins Losses Played Aver.P W/L/T Streak Sportsmanship Revoked Games
(passive) 1687   (1694 / 1250) 41% 33 48 81 20 / -10 / 2.31 -1  (10 / -14) 4  (42% / 0%: NAN / NAN / NAN) 4% (1 / 1 / 1)
Title Level XP Next Lvl Have
Recruit 6 97.5 102 96%
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Recent Games

Reported Winner Loser W Rating L Rating W Rank L Rank NW Rank NL Rank Feedback Replay Game Detail
2014-10-07 18:30:29Semlera16112126 (4)1687 (-7)60631- / -630Download (630)Details
2013-08-10 02:57:50SlimShady**a16111541p (41)1689 (-5)39483748- / 5-1NoDetails
2013-07-23 08:34:03a1611Spelp1694 (23)1987 (-17)01947195 / - L681Download (681)Details
2013-06-13 13:40:01a1611Fanjo1671 (24)1999 (-18)0185620- / --1NoDetails
2012-06-09 11:14:46a1611Gallifax**1666 (19)1765 (-19)0475847- / - L593Download (593)Details
2012-04-25 06:27:33a1611itt1647 (20)1766 (-20)0506752- / --1NoDetails
2012-03-23 13:21:25Fanjoa16112115 (3)1627 (-6)12801280- / 5600Download (600)Details
2012-02-22 10:10:14a1611itt1633 (19)1713 (-19)94688770- / --1NoDetails
2012-02-22 09:16:55a1611itt1614 (20)1732 (-20)95679468- / --1NoDetails
2012-02-22 08:47:53a1611itt1594 (20)1752 (-20)0669567- / --1NoDetails
2012-01-12 12:52:11Fanjoa16112026 (5)1574 (-7)21871988- / 3640Download (640)Details
2012-01-07 15:55:56a1611A_Good_Beginner1581 (21)1763 (-21)86538355- / --1NoDetails
2012-01-07 14:42:41Spookya16111685 (14)1560 (-14)68836886- / 4-1NoDetails
2012-01-06 03:16:15a1611Scipp1574 (14)1431 (-27)84081106- / --1NoDetails
2011-12-22 08:51:46balabalaa16111461p (38)1560 (-5)08100- / -739Download (739)Details
2011-12-20 08:48:42lo_l_ola16111682 (14)1565 (-14)6706582- / 5-1NoDetails
2011-08-18 15:54:01a1611Kral1579 (21)1760 (-21)96569258- / --1NoDetails
2011-07-23 19:24:34Anonymissimusa16111588p (32)1558 (-4)000105- / 4627Download (627)Details
2011-05-16 21:36:26DumbOnea16111535p (35)1562 (-4)01100111- / 5 W906Download (906)Details
2011-04-23 15:50:56a1611nelson1566 (27)2127 (-14)110910710- / --1NoDetails
2011-04-19 00:21:29a1611Ariu1539 (25)1953 (-19)02410925- / -624Download (624)Details
2010-11-01 12:33:54Janitora16112163 (2)1514 (-4)786787- / 5-1NoDetails
2010-10-04 17:42:05Rudanar_Firmusa16111807 (10)1518 (-10)46894491- / 3 W766Download (766)Details
2010-10-01 21:36:10Horusa16111887 (7)1528 (-9)3603588- / 2681Download (681)Details
2010-06-09 05:18:00LichKinga16112001 (5)1537 (-7)0811784- / 5662Download (662)Details
2010-06-05 09:51:37aramakia16111828 (8)1544 (-10)4204185- / --1NoDetails
2010-03-29 05:57:03Cremembera16111806 (11)1554 (-11)7112570127- / 5 W643Download (643)Details
2010-03-29 04:46:53a1611Cremember1565 (22)1795 (-16)1286412571- / --1NoDetails
2010-03-28 05:56:36WesnothAI**a16111534p (34)1539 (-4)00171129- / 1 W-1NoDetails
2009-12-21 18:25:08a1611yzr1543 (23)1842 (-17)1233811543- / --1NoDetails


Different opponents: 61 || Average games/opponent: 1.33 || Total inflation: -6 177 || Games vs overrated: 47% || Games vs underrated: 52%
Name Elo Last vs Infl E. Gain E. Avr. E. W. E. L. Games G % Ovr % Udr % Win W % Loss L %
Ingersol1458146619-34-34 34111000 00 1100
Crusher1635144458-22-22 22111000 00 1100
rakal1647142350-21-21 21111000 00 1100
Nomade1844191357-2-0.5 2830457525 125 375
Zarak19931299-163-22-7.3 22343367 00 3100
ArtemisX20171370-287-18-18 18110100 00 1100
Idle19261357-61-13-13 13110100 00 1100
Hagbart19591341-211-16-16 16110100 00 1100
TwiceEmpty1508131970-22-22 22111000 00 1100
Zephyrus1568129817-21-21 21111000 00 1100
Asticot17271281-58-17-17 17110100 00 1100
Coriolan20091285-52-8-4 8225050 00 2100
Glouk19671448-5192121 210110100 1100 00
yzr19981842-374175.7 236343367 133.3 266.7
OneBlink152817812532626 260111000 1100 00
JamesZD17151297-135-10-10 10110100 00 1100
Dark_Confidant16761314-129-11-11 11110100 00 1100
Tenente300DiSparta17871303-37-7-7 7110100 00 1100
Sweet20021294-114-5-5 5110100 00 1100
LuckyStar18641287-106-7-7 7110100 00 1100
tiboloid18201413-80831.5 1613220100 150 150
tnp1956126812-4-4 4111000 00 1100
bluepierrot1655126179-7-7 7111000 00 1100
FishMonger17451258-224-3-3 3110100 00 1100
NarajinX22031255-98-3-3 3110100 00 1100
marico17091250169-5-5 5111000 00 1100
Kira122781558-7202323 230110100 1100 00
Massacre121713691521919 190111000 1100 00
Plum12291275461616 160111000 1100 00
thefish20851556-5292222 220110100 1100 00
Altimar126113761151818 180111000 1100 00
siddh16961324-7293115.5 310220100 2100 00
Bal-Sagoth155414483373.5 2013225050 150 150
Xplorer16301471-1591818 180110100 1100 00
silent19901431-5591717 170110100 1100 00
Vandarr16481464-159-28-14 28220100 00 2100
tbal172118971762626 260111000 1100 00
Fantri18811476-4051717 170110100 1100 00
tadesucks1298129801212 1201100 1100 00
Dredge19731988152626 260111000 1100 00
nelson20022127-2044824 480225050 2100 00
LichKing18771537176-14-7 14221000 00 2100
akkon14811472-91616 160110100 1100 00
Cremember24091554-1217115.5 2211220100 150 150
aramaki1799154429-10-10 10111000 00 1100
Horus1838152849-9-9 9111000 00 1100
Rudanar_Firmus18291518-22-10-10 10110100 00 1100
Janitor20591514104-4-4 4111000 00 1100
Ariu19681953-152525 250110100 1100 00
DumbOne15531562-18-4-4 4110100 00 1100
Anonymissimus1539155849-4-4 4111000 00 1100
Kral19401760-1802121 210110100 1100 00
lo_l_ol1644156538-14-14 14111000 00 1100
balabala1413156048-5-5 5111000 00 1100
Scipp14021431291414 140111000 1100 00
Spooky17141560-29-14-14 14110100 00 1100
A_Good_Beginner17001763632121 210111000 1100 00
Fanjo19791999203113.7 2413341000 133.3 266.7
itt17421766-57919.8 790455050 4100 00
Spelp21071987-1202323 230110100 1100 00
Semler19571687169-7-7 7111000 00 1100


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